Working Together

Partner in Excellence

We firmly believe that we are Partners with our clients in jointly pursuing consistent standards of excellence. This vision is shared with our shareholders, suppliers and employees.


Our reward lies in the trust placed by them in our ability to meet their requirements in design, quality and delivery of world class products.

We are honoured to be partners in excellence with reputed international companies in Europe, Africa, South America, North America and Asia.

We work together to ensure that every aspect of a project is executed as per specifications and requirement. Not a single order proceeds into development and production until there is 100% satisfaction on every aspect of the design and individual components. And even then, constant monitoring adjustments and review ensures that only the best product emerges from the assembly line time and time again.


And that is the main reason why our business dealings and relationships with one another have grown and strengthened during every successive year of our association.


Quality Shows Through

When it comes down on buying materials, there is one thing that’s even more important than the price… in fact, it’s the quality.

Importing exotic tropical wood products is always a good way for many European companies to stay competitive in their field. Higher quality products and materials can help outclass the competition.

Unfortunately, the purchase of tropical timber based products in Asia is not as easy as it seems, as we and also many other European companies experienced firsthand.

It is often the lack of control and transparency in all relevant processes from purchasing of raw material to production and shipment which is vital for customers if they want to stay ahead.


MDK takes care of the quality assurance for you. With our office in Asia and a lot of competent quality personnel at key locations throughout Asia, we assure the communication and especially the control and provide you with plenty of transparency in the process.
In this way we protect you from misunderstandings due to poor communication, uncomfortable situation through lack of information, or even fraud, which especially occur more frequently in the large distance to Europe and the lack of control.

Quality Control

For superior quality

Because quality is the most important factor when it comes to selling our products, We pursue strict quality control through strict measurements.

With our office in Asia and a lot of competent quality experts at our production locations throughout Asia, we are able to inspect goods during production and prior to shipment according to strict company standards, thus ensuring that no cargo shipment is sent out before meeting the agreed requirements.


Technical Data Sheet

For every single product we manufacture we first begin by preparing a Technical Data Sheet and Technical Drawings using our internal ERP-system and AutoCad. The TDS and drawings contain every specification and detail of a product. Our Quality Controllers, the production team and design unit strictly follow according to the TDS.


In addition our inspectors must comply to a Quality Check List specifically designed for each TDS – and Control & Document every single piece or random as required – Furthermore the QC protocol allows for product follow up and traceability requirements.


Our company policy stipulates that any shipment without complete documentation can not receive clearance by our export department and would not be permitted for boarding onto outbound vessel.

Above is an example of an MDK Final Control Protocol Sheet (FCP)